New Update! Dec. 28, 2016
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Latest Update: March 8, 2014
I try to update the following list of Math Books for Kids on a regular basis. You can always access it from the link at the top of the home page.
Why Do I Keep Up This List?
1. I'm addicted to math-related children's books.
2. I teach continuing education courses utilizing this list and many of these books.
3. Most importantly, if you're interested in purchasing any of these books through Amazon, all commissions go toward foster care in China through Grace and Hope at no additional cost to you. I do not keep any money myself. Thank you for making a difference in children's lives! I've provided links but suggest that you look around if a book looks outrageously high. I've noticed that many of the OOP (out-of-print) books have multiple listings...some for pennies and some for hundreds of dollars, often for the same book. Please let me know of new books on the market.
Linking Children's Literature to Math
A few important notes about this list:
1. Book titles/authors are organized by concept. You may disagree with some of my categorization. I sometimes had a hard time deciding. Know that many of the books could fit multiple categories.
2. Over time, I'll be trying to add OOP notations to books as well as links to "reviews" and "lessons" within my blog.
3. New addition...I'm putting an "*" in front of a few of my favorite titles. Usually it's just because I truly enjoy the book. (I was a language arts and literature teacher before I became obsessed with math!) Sometimes a book becomes a favorite because it made a lesson come alive. Sometimes it's just because. Plenty of great books don't have "*"...and some that you love may not be marked.
12 Ways to Get 11, Eve Merriam
*The 329th Friend
The Action of Subtraction
Centipede's 100 Shoes
Each Orange Had 8 Slices
Elevator Magic
The Grapes of Math
The King's Commissioners
Math Appeal
Math Fables
Math For All Seasons
Monster Math
Monster Musical Chairs, Stuart Murphy
My Little Sister Ate One Hare
Night Noises, Mem Fox (add up the relatives that visit)
Panda Math; Learning About Subtraction from Hua Mei and Mei Sheng
*Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons, James Dean (subtracting from 4)
Ready, Set, Hop!
The Real Princess: A Mathematical Tale
Rooster's Off to See the World
Safari Park
Sea Sums, Joy Hulme
Shark Swimathon
Subtraction Action
Spaghetti and Meatballs for All!
Counting/Early Childhood Topics
10 Little Penguins, Jean-Luc Fromental
Anno's Counting Book
Anno's Counting House
Apple Countdown, Joan Holub
The April Rabbits
Art 123, Stefano Zuffi (new publication, Sept 2011)
*The Button Box
Changes, Changes
Count and See
*Equal, Shmequal
Grandma's Button Box, Linda Williams Aber
How Many Candles?, Helen Griffith
How Many Feet in the Bed?, Diana Hamm (count by 2s) (lesson)
How Many Snails?
In My Garden
Is It Larger, Is It Smaller
Little Quack's Hide and Seek
Icky Bug Counting Book, Jerry Pallotta
In My Garden, Ward Schumaker
The M&M's Counting Book
Monster Math
Monster Math, Ann Miranda
More, Fewer, Less
More or Less a Mess
More Than One
Nine Ducks Nine
Ocean Counting, Jerry Pallotta (odd numbers)
One is a Snail Ten is a Crab
One, Two, Skip a Few! (review)
*Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons, James Dean
*Press Here, Herve Tullet (counting, position-Kinder standard)
Seaweed Soup
The Sundae Scoop
Ten Black Dots, Donald Crews
Ten Little Elvi
Ten Little Fish
*Two Greedy Bears
What Comes in 2's, 3's, & 4's, (Suzanne Aker)
What's a Pair? What's a Dozen?
Bug Dance
*Press Here, Herve Tullet (counting, position-Kinder standard)
17 Kings and 42 Elephants
A Remainder of One
Bean Thirteen
Cheetah Math
The Doorbell Rang
Divide and Ride
The Great Divide
One Hungry Cat
*Two Greedy Bears
The Candy Corn Contest
*Great Estimations
*Greater Estimations
*How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin
Fractions, Decimals, Percents
Apple Fractions
Eating Fractions
Fabulous Fractions
Fraction Action
Fraction Fun
Full House
Gator Pie, Louise Mathews (OOP)
The Grizzly Gazette
The Hershey’s Fraction Book
Jump, Kangaroo, Jump!
The Lion's Share: A Tale of Halving Cake and Eating It, Too, Matthew McElligott (lesson)
*Little Numbers and Pictures That Show Just How Little They Are!
Music Math
*Picture Pie
Twizzlers Percentages Book
The Wishing Club
All About Where
The Amazing Book of Shapes: Explore Math Through Shapes and Patterns
Captain Invincible and the Space Shapes
*A Cloak for the Dreamer
Changes, Changes
Cubes, Cones, Cylinders, and Spheres
Eight Hands Round: A Patchwork Alphabet,
Grandfather Tang's Story
*The Greedy Triangle
Hamster Champs
Icky Bug Shapes
If You Were a Polygon
If You Were a Quadrilateral
The Incredibly Awesome Box
A Light in the Attic
The Magic Mirror Book
Magic Mirror Tricks
*Mouse Shapes
Museum Shapes
*Mummy Math: An Adventure in Geometry
The Seasons Sewn
The Secret Birthday Message, Eric Carle (directional terms)
Shapes, Shapes, Shapes
The Silly Story of Goldie Locks and the Three Squares
*Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi
*Sir Cumference and the First Round Table,
*Sir Cumference and the Great Knight of Angleland
Sir Cumference and the Isle of Immeter
Sir Cumference and the Sword in the Cone
So Many Circles, So Many Squares
*I Spy Shapes in Art
Square Cat
Three Pigs, One Wolf, and Seven Magic Shapes
The Village of Round and Square Houses
When a Line Bends…A Shape Begins
Zachary Zormer, Shape Transformer
Graphs, Charts, Coordinates, Data
Bart’s Amazing Charts
The Best Vacation Ever,
*The Fly on the Ceiling: A Math Myth
The Long Wait
Tiger Math
The 100-Pound Problem
*Balancing Act
Beanstalk; the Measure of a Giant
The Biggest Fish
Biggest, Strongest, Fastest
*Counting on Frank
*The Dragon's Scales
*Equal Shmequal
Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest
*How Big is a Foot?
How Big Is It?
How Long Is It?
How Long or How Wide?
How Tall, How Short, How Faraway
*If Dogs Were Dinosaurs
*If You Hopped Like a Frog
*Inch by Inch
Inchworm and a Half
Incredible Comparisons
Is a Blue Whale the Biggest Thing There Is?
Jim and the Beanstalk
*The Librarian Who Measured the Earth
Me and the Measure of Things
Measuring Penny
Millions to Measure
More For Me!
Pastry School in Paris: An Adventure in Capacity
Pigs in the Pantry
Racing Around
Slower Than a Snail
Spaghetti and Meatballs for All!
Super Sand Castle Saturday
Twelve Snails to One Lizard
Twenty-One Elephants
Twenty-One Elephants and Still Standing
What's Smaller Than a Pygmy Shrew?
*Who Sank the Boat?
26 Letters and 99 Cents
A Dollar for Penny
*Alexander Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday
*Arthur's Funny Money
The Big Buck Adventure
Benny's Pennies
The Coin Counting Book
Growing Money
How Much is that Guinea Pig in the Window?
How the Second Grade Got $8,205.50 to Visit the Statue of Liberty
If You Made a Million
Jelly Beans for Sale
Jenny Found a Penny
Max's Money
*Monster Money
My Rows and Piles of Coins
*Once Upon a Dime; A Math Adventure
The Penny Pot
Pigs Will Be Pigs: Fun with Math and Money
A Quarter from the Tooth Fairy
The Story of Money
Tight Times
The Toothpaste Millionaire
*Where the Sidewalk Ends
Multiplication, Skip Counting, Doubling, Square Numbers
The 512 Ants on Sullivan Street
A Grain of Rice
Amanda Bean’s Amazing Dream
Anno’s Mysterious Multiplying Jar
Arctic Fives Arrive
Bats on Parade
*The Best of Times
Bunches and Bunches of Bunnies
Counting Coconuts
Double the Ducks
Each Orange Had 8 Slices: A Counting Book
How Do You Count a Dozen Ducklings?
*How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?
*The King's Chessboard
The King's Commissioners
The M&M's Counting Book
More M&M's Math
My Full Moon is Square
*One Grain of Rice
One Hundred Hungry Ants
One Hundred Ways to Get to 100
*Sea Squares
Sir Cumference and All the King's Tens
Stay in Line
Spunky Monkeys on Parade
Ten Times Better
Too Many Kangaroo Things to Do!
*Two of Everything
*Two Ways to Count to Ten
Number and Operations, Number Sense (lg/sm)
*100 Ways to Celebrate 100 Days
*365 Penguins
Big Numbers: And Pictures that Show Just How Big They Are!
Can You Count to a Googol?
Dinosaur Deals
How Big is It?
How Many Candles?
*How Much is a Million?
If You Made a Million
Less Than Zero
*Little Numbers: And Pictures that Show Just How Little They Are!
A Million Dots
On Beyond a Million
*Zero the Hero, Joan Holub (review)
Zero: Is It Something? Is It Nothing?
Zero Is the Leaves on the Tree
Odd/Even Numbers
*Even Steven and Odd Todd
Missing Mittens
Ocean Counting: Odd Numbers
One Hundred Days of School
*100 Ways to Celebrate 100 Days
The One Hundredth Day of School!
*Growing Patterns
*Pattern Bugs
*Pattern Fish
*Patterns in Peru: An Adventure in Patterning
The Rabbit Problem, Emily Graves (review)
Place Value
Earth Day—Hooray!
Sir Cumference and All the King's Tens
All About Where
Left or Right? Rehm & Koike
The Secret Birthday Message, Eric Carle (directional terms)
Prime/Composite Numbers
You Can Count on Monsters, Richard Even Schwartz (review/lesson ideas)
Probability, Data Analysis, Graphs
Do You Wanna Bet? Your Chance to Find Out About Probability
Pigs at Odds
Probably Pistachio
Socrates and the Three Little Pigs
A Very Improbable Story
Problem Solving
*365 Penguins
Anno's Hat Tricks
Anno’s Magic Seeds
The Case of the Backyard Treasure
The Further Adventures of Penrose the Mathematical Cat
Math Curse
Math Trek
Painless Math Word Problems
You Can, Toucan, Math
Roman Numerals
Fun With Roman Numerals
Roman Numerals, David Adler (this is the book I own which I don't see on Amazon. I'm wondering if it's an older version of Fun With Roman Numerals??)
Roman Numerals I to MM
Sorting & Classifying
*The Button Box
More or Less a Mess
Seaweed Soup
Spatial Sense/Direction
Pigs in the Corner
Square Numbers
Bunches and Bunches of Bunnies
My Full Moon is Square
*Sea Squares
Time New! (12/2016)
All About Time
All in a Day
Bats Around the Clock
Chimp Math
Clocks and More Clocks
Cluck O'Clock
Four Season Make a Year
Henry's Important Date, Robert Quackenbush (only linked mini-version is currently in print)
How to Tell Time (older Little Golden Book)
It's About Time, Jesse Bear, Nancy White Carlstrom
Just a Minute!
Maxie, Mildred Kantrowitz
My First Book of Time
On the Same Day in March
Pigs on a Blanket, Amy Axelrod
Scaredy Squirrel, Melanie Watt (Review & Activity)
Telling Time
Telling Time with Big Mama Cat
Time To..., Bruce McMillan
The Warlord's Alarm, Virginia Walton Pilegard
What Time Is It? A Book of Math Riddles, Sheila Keenan
What Time Is It Mr. Crocodile?, Judy Sierra
When This Box Is Full, Patricia Lillie
********** Additional Assorted Topics in Math **********
Activity Books
Circles: Fun Ideas for Getting A-Round in Math
*Math Games & Activities from Around the World
*The Secret Life of Math: discover how (and why) number have survived from the cave dwellers to us
Art 123, Stefano Zuffi (new publication, Sept 2011)
MathART: Projects and Activities
Museum Shapes
*Blockhead: the Life of Fibonacci
*The Boy Who Loved Math, Deborah Heiligman (review)
*Carry On, Mr. Bowditch
*Mathematicians Are People, Too
Of Numbers and Stars: The Story of Hypatia
*Odd Boy Out: Young Albert Einstein
Fact & Photo Books (fun for kids to share during gathering time)
*A Closer Look
Incredible Comparisons
Life-Size Aquarium
Penguins Swim But Don't Get Wet; and Other Amazing Facts About Polar Animals
*The History of Counting
The Warlord's Beads
Count Me a Rhyme: Animal Poems by the Numbers
Puzzles, Rhymes and Riddles (I LOVE opening math sessions with things from this category!)
Amazing Math Puzzles
Arithme-Tickle: An Even Number of Odd Riddle-Rhymes
*Easy Math Puzzles
How Many Feet? How Many Tails?
Sideways Arithmetic From Wayside School
World With No Numbers (great to spur creative writing)
A Day With No Math
Missing Math
Neil's Numberless World
Chapter Books (or more advanced, reference)
The Adventures of Penrose the Mathematical Cat
Body Math
The Candy Corn Contest
*Carry On, Mr. Bowditch
Chasing Vermeer
Fractals, Googols and Other Mathematical Tales
The Further Adventures of Penrose the Mathematical Cat
G is for Googol; A Math Alphabet Book
Go Figure!
How Math Works
Isador A. Inchworm's Magic Math Glasses
The Lemonade War, Jacqueline Davis (upcoming review)
The Longitude Prize
The Man Who Counted
Murderous Maths
Navigating Early, by Clare Vanderpool (review)
*The Number Devil
Sideways Arithmetic From Wayside School
The Toothpaste Millionaire
Walk Past the Wolf: A Mythmatical Battles Adventure
The Wright 3, Blue Balliett
Book list © 2010-16 love2learn2day. All rights reserved. You are welcome to link to this page. Please don't copy/paste the list onto another site. It took me a ton of work! :)
At a later date I'll add teacher reference books. And I'll be continually posting lessons that use the books listed here. :)