Sunday, January 16, 2011

Penguins, Penguins, EVERYWHERE!!!!

Animal Clip Art
Have you noticed the outbreak of PENGUINS???  I've seriously been on at least 8 blogs in the last two days (and I've probably only been on about 12 total) that are ALL FEATURING PENGUINS!!!  You've got to check these goodies out:

At Joyful Learner:
Math Monday: Penguin Day
(be sure and look around her blog for a LOT of older penguin entries...great stuff!)

At Mathwire:
Entire Page of Penguin Activities

Penguin Math Games
(look at the adorable penguin gamepieces made from clothespins!)

Penguin Math-Literature Connection

Pascal's Penguins

At Almost Unschoolers:
Penguin Rescue: A Roman Numeral Puzzle
Circle Penguin, A Simple Fraction Craft

At A Place to Share:
Penguin Fact and Opinion

At What the Teacher Wants:
Penguin Pie

At Finally in First:
Tacky the Penguin
Penguins Making Words

And my own review of the book 365 Penguins--with problem solving ideas.

I guess it's time to get busy and do a penguin unit. ;)  Thanks, everyone, for the awesome ideas!!!!!

Join the linkup at Joyful Learner!


  1. Isn't that funny? We are in the middle of a penguin unit study so I start looking through some blogs to see if there is something I can find to add to what we are doing, and everyone is doing penguins! It's awesome!

  2. I think the book 365 Penguins may have started it all because the book starts in January. Thanks for the penguin plug!

  3. The penguins are just so cute - they keep drawing us back in! Thanks for linking ours - you found a couple I haven't seen yet, so I'm off to check them out :)

  4. We are getting ready to study penguins, too! How funny!

  5. Nice collection of resources! I also noticed the explosion of penguin and Arctic units - it must be cold somewhere out there :)


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