Monday, January 30, 2012

Math Monday Blog Hop #42 (January 30, 2012)

I added to the huge list math-related children's books TODAY. Still have more to add from yesterday's shopping trip. Let me know if you have new titles.

Join this week's blog hop--anything about MATH!--by linking directly to your post (so we can find it!) rather than to your entire blog.

1. Paired Books for Math Exploration  
2. Double Pennies or a Dollar?  
3. Up & Down, Add & Subtract - Elevator Math!  
4. Roll & Park - Numeral / Word Practice  
5. 2 Number Concepts Games  
6. Math, Art and Time to Move On  
7. Lego Pirates of the Caribbean Activity Unit  
8. Reading Thermometers  
9. Don't Get Zapped Game  
10. Math in Action: Catapults!  
11. Melt in your mouth statistics  
12. Valentines Equivalent Fractions  
13. All Things Beautiful/10 Ways to Use a Geoboard  

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Happy New Year! (Dragons!)

Celebrating Lunar New Year? This art project  (and this!) provided us with great fun as we  commemorate the Year of the Dragon. Here's our monster:

The dragon's scaly skin is formed by painting with bubble wrap. Fun medium!!

We've also been reading. Two of our favorite books this week...

  • The Knight and the Dragon (by a beloved author/illustrator, Tomie DePaola...this is also a great story to act out)
  • The Paper Dragon (with a beautiful moral...the strongest thing in the world is not dragons, but LOVE!)

I've also learned (by much trial and error) that the single most effective way to get children to draw is to sit down and draw with them. We got out the Prismacolor pencils yesterday. Here's a 9-year-old's dragon (right.)

I'm also thinking about a math lesson...  How about a survey where students interview people of all ages to find out which animal under the Chinese calendar they were born? It'd be a great Facebook survey to do at home.

Happy New Year from someone born under the Chinese Calendar animal...

wait for it...


(Photo taken at a garden in China.)

Linking up at stART.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pinterest Site for Math Education (+Tessellations!)

Follow Me on Pinterest

I've succumbed. Pinterest has grabbed me. Almost my entire Pinterest site is dedicated to math. Feel free to follow along. The goodie I found this morning? An unbelievable site showing origami masks and tessellations...incredible 3D artwork "sculptures" each entirely created from 1 piece of paper. It'd be great to show students as you explore tessellation lessons. The sample below comes from one of my lessons; I had each student in my class decorate a fish to make into a tessellated poster.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Math Monday Blog Hop #41 (January 23, 2012)

Welcome! Can you believe we're almost into February? The rains around here make me ready for SUMMER! :) Although I'd still like to introduce snow to my youngest, home from China for 2.5 years and still no snow at our house.

Read any new math-related children's books lately? I'm still looking for new titles.

Join this week's blog hop--anything about MATH!--by linking directly to your post (so we can find it!) rather than to your entire blog.

1. Shape Snowman Bulletin Board  
2. Growing Patterns with Snap Cubes  
3. Sea Squares & Snap Cubes  
4. Snap Cubes Odd & Even Patterns  
5. Polar Bear Math  
6. Math Accessories  
7. Valentines Day Printable Activitiy Unit  
8. A Music Measure of Math  
9. Penny, Nickel, Dime  
10. Pattern Application and Extension (Pre K-2)  
11. Valentines Math Pre-K and K Unit  
12. Paper Quilts & Hexagonal Rotation Designs  
13. measurement books  
14. A Balancing Act  
15. Guided Math Workshop  
16. Finding the Balance  
17. Measurement Fun!  
18. Mrs c- Clock Template  
19. Super Bowl Ratios and Roman Numerals  
20. Lighthouse Math @ CGA  
21. Math Teachers at Play 46  
22. The Queen of Measurement  
23. Scholastic Decimal Activity  
24. Venn Diagram GCF Foldable  
25. The Beauty of Functions  
26. Shelisa  
27. Alien Ordering NUmbers  
28. Make an Anemometer -Weather Instrument  

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Part-Whole Math With a Plate!

At a conference last fall, I heard Kim Sutton mention something about using Zoo Pal Paper Plates to show parts and whole in math. She briefly described putting the parts in the ears and then showing the whole in the larger plate area. I'm not exactly sure how she uses the plates. But I wanted to experiment with the idea...

I couldn't find the zoo plates locally (Amazon link is below), but decided to try it with a plastic plate from a local one buck store. (My plate is sorta like this divided plastic picnic plate.) I've used this a couple different ways to explore the part-whole relationship in addition with my 5yo...

With Dice:
He tossed one die into each of the smaller compartments and put that many items (I used centimeter cubes) in each dish. He wrote down the two dice numbers in an addition number sentence. So if he rolled "2" and "3," he put 2 cubes in one small slot, 3 in the other small slot and wrote "2 + 3." He then moved all the cubes to the bigger area (the whole) to count the total and finish the number sentence (= 5.)

With Pre-Written Number Sentences & Penguin Pieces: 
I wrote several number sentences. (Photo above models 2+2.) If the sentence was 2 + 4, he counted out 2 marble penguins into the first small compartment and 4 marble penguins into the second small compartment. He then moved all the penguins into the larger compartment, counted the total and finished his number sentence.

This could easily be replicated at home or school. And could be used with subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals and more. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: If you order from Amazon links on love2learn2day, all commissions go toward foster care through Grace and Hope at no additional cost to you. THANK YOU!  

Monday, January 16, 2012

Math Monday Blog Hop #40 (January 16, 2012)

Welcome! Read any new math-related children's books lately? I'm looking for new titles.

Join this week's blog hop--anything about MATH!--by linking directly to your post (so we can find it!) rather than to your entire blog.

1. Headstrings: Measuring w/ String & Tile  
2. Inchworm Measurement  
3. Mini Questi - Symmetry Seekers  
4. Trains Roll and Graph  
5. Kindergarten Math  
6. More tangrams  
7. Making Math: Big Dreams of Building  
8. All Things Beautiful-exploring math materials  
9. All Things Beautiful-Patterns  
10. Math Fact Shakers  
11. Solving One-Step Equations Cut and Paste Activity  
12. Counting Fingers and Toes  
13. Part-Whole Plate Math  
14. Ideas for making math fun  
15. What Equals What?  
16. Tangrams for little ones  

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Monday, January 9, 2012

Math Monday Blog Hop #39 (January 9, 2012)

Is school back in full swing? I don't know about you, but I was excited to get back into school after several weeks off. What are you doing in math lately?

Join this week's blog hop--anything about MATH!--by linking directly to your post (so we can find it!) rather than to your entire blog.

1. Baking up some math fun! (printables)  
2. Football Subtraction Scrimmage Game  
3. Penguin Math  
4. How Big is a Foot?  
5. Silly String Math  
6. Make an Anemometer -Weather Instrument  
7. Place Value Bean Sticks and Skip Counting Cards  
8. number recognition outside  
9. Dr. Seuss Fact Family freebie  
10. Addition  
11. Fibonacci for Children  
12. Squinkies Graphing Coordinate Points FREEBIE  
13. Lego Ratios Freebie  
14. Variable Matching Game  
15. Real Numbers Graphic Organizer  
16. Geometry Unit Project  
17. Pattern Problems  
18. Free Winter Math Printables (Pre-K, & K)  
19. Pattern Naturally  
20. Lionden Landing  
21. Sorting With Venn Diagrams  
22. A Fun Way to Introduce Fractions  
23. Straws, Solids and a Possible Parthenon  

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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Cure for Bored Kids (Rube Goldberg-esque machine)

Are your children bored? If you don't mind pin holes in your walls, challenge them with this video:

It reminds me of making marble rolls. And of our Frigits marble roll.  But, Wow!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Math Monday Blog Hop #38 (January 2, 2012)

Happy New Year and welcome back to school!

Join this week's Math Lesson blog hop by linking directly to your post (so we can find it!) rather than to your entire blog.

1. Best Math Posts of 2010  
2. Book: The Dragon's Scales  
3. Math Games with printables  
4. Angry Birds Printable Activity Unit  
5. Scavenger Hunt  
6. Sneaky Math: You Know, UNO!  
7. Measuring Noodles  
8. Excuse Me Mrs C!  

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Teaching Dimensions - Great YouTube Movie

My 3rd grader asked, "What's a dimension?" I think he was reflecting on the 3D shapes we've been considering in math. We had a brief conversation about it, but this movie really helped...and thoroughly intrigued both of us.

Happy New Year!!
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