Want to tickle your math bone? Try reading
, a "collection of poems written in the form of mathematical problems and grouped according to seasonal themes." A few examples from the book:
crisp air
shadows tall
+ cat's thick coat
signs of fall
pumpkin - seeds + face = jack-o'-lantern
Using Betsy Franco's poems as models, today we wrote some of our own poems. We first composed these together:
cool air
birds sing
+ flower buds
signs of spring
hot weather
squirt gun
+ popsicle mustache
summer fun
To make the writing process more manageable for independent work, I set up a few templates.
For a poem describing a rainy day:
descriptive phrase
descriptive phrase that ends with ay
+ descriptive phrase
rainy day
descriptive phrase
descriptive phrase that ends with un
+ descriptive phrase
summer fun
Or poems to "solve"...
(tell what this equals)
This would be a great book and activity to explore descriptive writing, poetry, seasons or math symbols. It would also make a nice "welcome summer" lesson!