Saturday, September 8, 2012

Taking the Outside Temperature

I love this idea for learning about temperature, found on the Math Learning Center Blog. It could be done at home or at school. Students read the outdoor temperature each week, thinking about a range as they consider this poem:
Fahrenheit Weather

90 degrees is pretty hot.
70 degrees is pleasing.
50 degrees is getting cold,
and 32 degrees is freezing!
Look at the original post for detailed lesson instructions. You'll find a blackline classroom wall thermometer here if you'd like to add one to your room. I printed one on cardstock, slit the very bottom of the thermometer and added a thin strip of red tagboard to slide up and down for the temperature gauge. 


  1. One of my co-workers told me a similar rhyme for metric temperature

    30 is hot
    20 is nice
    10 is chilly
    And 0 is ice!

    1. Great, I was just about to ask for a poem for celsius !!!

    2. Thanks! Though my kids are familiar with °F, their science curriculum teaches °C and I was just wondering if there was a little ditty for that!

    3. You can also do a Celsius version of the original poem with reference degree points: 30, 20, 10, 0. :)

  2. I came across this on Pinterest. :-) Perfect for one of my kiddo's weather unit binder! Now I'll go looking for a Celsius thermometer and we'll include both! But did want to say THANK YOU with the pleasant surprise of the "Thermometers around the World" pictures in the pdf. That is also perfect for what we are going to be doing!


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