Inside view of the double Portfolder:
View showing Portfolder open from the opposite side...front cover (with white background) and back cover (black background):
The Portfolder contains:
- photos taken throughout the unit along with captions describing the learning process.
- penguin acrostic poetry
- illustration depicting what a penguin looks like above and below water
- a penguin riddle (Guess Who? from Bridges, Math Learning Center-MLC)
- KWL (what do I know/want to know/learned) about penguins
- Antarctica "trip" journal
- map showing where various penguins live
- life cycle cards
- penguin fact book (MLC)
- clue cards for various penguins to sort (MLC)
- suitcase & passport from Antarctica journey (passport, MLC)
- water temperature experiment results (MLC)
- penguin height graph (MLC)
- comparison/contrast chart on various penguins
- descriptive bubbles in which my son describes the learning process for various projects
Although the Portfolder doesn't completely reflect it, we also:
- took a "flight" to Antarctica
- played a penguin Mathwire game with our homemade penguin tokens
- read piles of penguin books, including Mr. Popper's Penguins
, and watched several penguin/Antarctica movies
- played with penguins in our homemade penguin habitats
- reviewed the continents and oceans of the world
- "weighed and measured" penguins (MLC)
More on Portfolders.
More on our penguin unit.
What a great job on the Penguin folders. Looks like he really put effort into it:)