
Friday, April 8, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up: Math Snap Cubes and Peds Dentists

Thought it'd be fun to do a Weekly Wrap-Up for a change...

The academic highlights of our week were probably our math lessons with snap cubes:

    I've got a few more math lessons from this week to share. I'll get them up soon.

    But I have another eventful experience to share from the week...! At my youngest son's last (and first for him!) dentist appointment, we learned that he had three cavities. Bummer. He's been home from China for less than two years and definitely has some anxieties about medical treatments, so even for the dental cleaning I ended up holding him on my lap. Well, not exactly my lap. Basically, I held him while they tilted us both back so that we lay down in the chair, with him sprawled down my front. A bit awkward. And not something I thought we could maintain through a bunch of fillings. So, I decided to try a pediatric dentist.

    And learned that I was totally ripped off as a child.

    The place is amazing. Toys everywhere. Themed rooms. Feels more like an amusement park than a dentist office. And the treatment...  As we enter, they say, "Would you rather smell strawberries or marshmallows?" So he gets marshmallow gas. As the marshmallows make him good and relaxed, he gets strawberry numbing stuff in his mouth. When they give him a mouthful of shots, he never sees the needle because he's watching the movie on the screen above. He had his pick from dozens of flicks. Then, in between treatment steps, he gets a popsicle stuck in his mouth. And a flashing fairy wand and Diego backpack as prizes.

    We were soooo deprived as children.

    I would have thought this alternative treatment environment would cost a fortune. But it seems to be right in line with regular dental care around here.

    Who knew.

    I'd like a popsicle at the dentist's office.

    Want a glimpse into other homeschool lives? Visit Weird, Unsocialized Homeschooler's Weekly Wrap-Up.


    1. My kids LOVE going to the dentist because he makes it so fun for them!! Definitely not what I remember from my childhood!

    2. This is one case where I say, "Go on and pile on DVDs". Ped dentist definitely made the first checkup a breeze for daughter (luckily she didn't have any cavitiies).

    3. And pile on the popsicles!!!! ;)

    4. LOL! My kids were avid teeth brushers because they wanted clean, healthy teeth until their first visit to the dentist. Then they decided that going to the dentist was much more fun than preventive care. :P
      However, I did convince them that not brushing their teeth led to other, less desirable consequences than going to the dentist with a cavity. :)

    5. Penguins...oh dear! I never thought of THAT! Yikes! Cavities = fun! Uh oh.

    6. We love our pediatric dentist too but she charges an arm and a leg for the care. My friend who is a dentist offered to check her teeth instead. No fancy videos there so we might bring something to entertain/distract her if need be.


    Thank you for leaving me a message. I love comments almost as much as I love chocolate! And I do LOVE chocolate. :)