
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Facebook...and Snowing Angles

I'd LOVE to have you join me on my new Facebook page.  I'll be sharing links, photos, videos...quick, fun ideas for teaching and learning.

Today, I'm sharing a link to a fantastic follow-up on Human Angles.  We're measuring snow angles* since we still have no snow!

If you appreciate new teaching ideas, consider "liking" my new Facebook page. Thank you!!! :)

P.S. On my Facebook page I'll also be occasionally asking for volunteers to proof-read or test lessons in development!

*Photo captures student working on a free worksheet from Relentlessly Fun, Deceptively Educational. 


  1. Thanks for sharing our activity here AND on your Facebook page, Cindy!! I think I loved that activity as much as my son did. :)

    1. I loved that the same snowflake lines end up with multiple colors! (angle one way is one color & another way is another color!) We ended up with very colorful pictures!!! :)

      Super activity!


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