
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Review: Monkey Pod Tangrams

Last week, I received a wooden tangram set from Monkey Pod Games. The tangram set and a set of puzzle cards come in a hinged, wooden box, approx. 8.5"x5"x1". My husband happened to be there when I opened the package. He took the game from me, ran his hand over the wooden box, opened and closed the lid, and exclaimed, "That's a NICE box." While this may mean nothing to you, I'm here to say that my husband is picky discerning. He likes good quality stuff. (Picked me, didn't he? :) For him to take the time to comment on the BOX means a lot.

This is a really nice set!

The box contains a set of wooden tangrams, cut 1/2" thick so as to make them easy to manipulate. The 50 puzzle cards feel really durable (perhaps they have a light plastic coating?) A silhouette of each shape--animal, people, or abstract--is shown on the front, with the puzzle answer revealed on the back.

While it makes a durable set for homeschool (my 4yo and 8yo have been playing with it!), I wouldn't hesitate to leave it available on the coffee table for guests to play. Such a high quality set would also make a great gift for a wide variety of ages.

Later today I'll be back to post a Giveaway for one of these beautiful sets!

Disclaimer: I received a review set. I tend to avoid reviewing items that I don't like. I really like this one. I get no monetary compensation from the company. If you order from Amazon, all commissions go toward foster care through Grace and Hope at no additional cost to you. THANK YOU!


  1. Ohhh....I love just the look of the box and the pieces. I have put it on my wish list. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. Looks amazing, I love brainteasers...


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