
Math Class 2013

Ratio Blaster - In this free online game, view a ratio (example: 3 to 6) and click to shoot at the invading spaceship that shows an equivalent ratio, written as a fraction (example: 1/2).
Table Numbers - Choose a factor from 2-9, then click on one of three numbers that represents a multiple of the chosen factor.
Prime/Composite Applet - this is a great follow-up to our exploration of prime/composite numbers and our reading of You Can Count on Monsters! See if you can figure out how the picture of each number relates to prime/composite.
The Amoeba Multiplication Game - practice multi-digit multiplication by splitting numbers; use partial products to solve.

MathTappers: Multiples - add this app to your mobile device to explore multiplication and division using visual models. If your student is struggling with fluency in multiplication, this is highly recommended.
Times Square - find factors as you race to get four products in a row.
Factor Dazzle- Click on the factors of target numbers set by an opponent. Use Guest Pass or register to play against students online.

Factor Game - Click on the factors of target numbers set by an opponent. Play against the computer or a friend.


  1. I am so glad that I have come across your site! I am working on a class called Using Children's Picture Books to Teach the Content Areas of Math, Science, and History; and I will be referencing your blog in one of my assignments. I homeschool, and I will definitely be using your list of math kids books.

    1. I'm so glad you found me! Let me know how your class goes. Are you teaching adults or children? What level(s)?


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